Ottawa to Tokyo, Japan - $649 to $663 CAD roundtrip including taxes | ANA flights
There are flights available from Ottawa to Tokyo, Japan with All Nippon Airways and United Airlines for $663 CAD roundtrip including taxes.
All Nippon Airways (ANA), is a really great airline (ranked #3 worldwide this year).
From what I've seen from Ottawa, on a lot of flights, you may need to fly with United Airlines in at least one direction.
*BUT* I have seen some flights that are operated by ANA in both directions for $650 CAD roundtrip.
The flights have 1 stop each way, usually in Chicago or Vancouver.
The domestic legs (between Montreal and Chicago or Vancouver) may be operated by Air Canada or United Airlines.
The flights may be to either of Tokyo's 2 airports, Haneda (HND) or Narita (NRT).
The flights may be into one airport, and home from the other.
Flights to Japan have been quite expensive lately ($1100+ roundtrip). Have a look on Google Flights to see what most flights to Japan are going for.
Availability for travel
November, December 2017
January, February, March 2018
How to find and book these flights
1. Go to Momondo or Skyscanner
2. Search for a flight from Ottawa (YOW) to Tokyo, Japan (TYO)
Try the following dates:
Try starting with Tuesday or Wednesday dates in January, February, or March 2018.
You can also try Monday and Thursday dates.
You may also be able to find some in November and the first half of December 2017.
RETURN dates
Try starting with Tuesday or Wednesday dates in January, February, or March 2018.
You can also try Monday and Thursday dates.
You may also be able to find some in November and the first half of December 2017.
IMPORTANT: Once you get to the booking site, study the flight details carefully, to see which legs are operated by All Nippon (ANA) and which are operated by United Airlines.
On Momondo, you can click on 'See Details' under each result, and look for the flights where the Vancouver to Tokyo flight departs at 15:05. These are always ANA flights.
screenshot from Momondo
Or, you can also try using Skyscanner to look for flights that are operated by ANA in both directions
1. Go to Skyscanner
2. Search for a flight from Ottawa (YOW) to Tokyo, Japan (TYO)
Try starting with Tuesday or Wednesday dates in January, February, or March 2018.
You can also try Monday and Thursday dates.
You may also be able to find some in November and the first half of December 2017.
RETURN dates
Try starting with Tuesday or Wednesday dates in January, February, or March 2018.
You can also try Monday and Thursday dates.
You may also be able to find some in November and the first half of December 2017.
3. In the Skyscanner search results, try looking at the second leg of the departure flight...
...and the first leg of the flight home...
4. If they both seem to be operated by ANA, try clicking through to the booking site.
IMPORTANT: Once you get to the booking site, study the flight details carefully, to make sure the legs are actually operated by All Nippon (ANA).
If you can't find any that are with ANA in both directions, it's worth trying slightly different dates and searching again.
Update 11/25 - While the flights from Ottawa to Tokyo with ANA are gone, there are now 1-stop flights with United Airlines for $668 CAD roundtrip including taxes in January, February, March, April, May and June 2018.
1. Start with a Google Flights search like this one:
Google Flights: Ottawa to Tokyo, Japan
2. Click on the departure date box to open up the calendar view and look for the date combinations that are $1199 roundtrip in January, February, March, or April. In May, look for the dates that are $1,496. In June, look for the dates that are $1,720.
3. Go to Momondo
Search for a flight from Ottawa to Tokyo, Japan (TYO)
Try the same dates you found on Google Flights.
NOTE: After your Momondo search completes, you may need to select 'Max 1 stop' on the left hand side to see these flights.
You may also need to slide the Max Flight Duration slider on the left hand side down to around 38.
screenshot from Momondo
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4 Responses to "Ottawa to Tokyo, Japan - $649 to $663 CAD roundtrip including taxes | ANA flights"
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I can't find it at this price :(
This deal doesn't exist anymore. Trying to book in march and it's back up to over $1000
I am finding some at $698 for early April but they all have a 18h layover in Washington, D.C.
Hi Steve, if you're using Momondo, after your search completes, try sliding the 'Max Flight Duration' slider on the left hand side down to around 38.
I've found that with most of those flights with the 18h layover, if you do this, it will get rid of those flights, and usually show you flights with a much shorter layover for the same price.